Light regulars ...
… finally as its own category! Our 2-monthly light regulars’ table, to which you are cordially invited!
… and finally – since 2024 – a unifying platform and a forum for exchange across all association boundaries, in cooperation with IALD Alpine & German Chapter, WIL, the LiTG, the OpTecBB and beyond to NRW, HH, Austria and the rest of the world.
Now officially:With us, nothing is advertising, everything is fruitful exchange and knowledge transfer.
We are all light (and darkness) enthusiasts, whether researchers, planners, makers, artists, amateurs, ... . That's why everyone is invited to contribute. Including you, lighting tool manufacturers! You have exciting innovations and exciting use cases to report on - be part of it!
The exception proves the rule. Usually
- every second tuesday in even months
- every second wednesday - uneven months
first draft - planning 2025
Tue | 11.02.2025 | @LKL Berlin, hybrid | o Lighting projects: News from LKL o Lighting technique / lighting tools / lighting knowledge: Obtrusive Light in Relux / Dial evo? |
Mi | 16.04.2025 | @XXX – featuring HighLight & IALD (?), hybrid | o Lighting tools / Lighting design: this was– EuroLuce with Markus Helle o Lighting projects / … xy |
Tue | 17.06.2025 | analogue, Location coming, featuring M. Elkan, Ellux Vertriebs GmbH | o Light Walk: Excursion iconic architecture, i.e.. Springer building, evtl. including studio visit and finish on the Roof Top Bar >>> together with EFGA / LiTG. |
Wed | 13.08.2024 | @We-Ef, Excursion. partly. hybrid | o Lighting tools: tour of production in Fürstenwalde: pole production for We-Ef & Fagerhult, guided tours of pole processing, powder coating, foundry of aluminum parts, etc. o Lighting technology: an idea: aditionnal ecture on mobile and car lighting in the context of outdoor lighting? |
Tue | 14.10.2025 | featuring LightLife & Ingo Körbel, WIL, @XXX, hybrid | o Lighting projects: Winner of the German Lighting Design Award o Light art & event lighting, e.g. portrait Andreas Barthelmes |
Wed | 10.12.2025 | featuring Regiolux, @Ellux Vertriebs GmbH, HH, 1.OG Fritschestraße 27/28, 10585 Berlin, hybrid |
o Lighting tools: Alexander Ross: Lighting in the work context: “Light in the DC room” / Color rendering with LEDs and healthy light in the interior o Learing from lighting history: exciting (Christmas) stories from the long light life of the light figure Udo (Bansbach) |
You would like to be a part?
05. imprint.
Verantwortlich ...
… einer muss die Verantwortung tragen:
Edwin Smida
Leberstraße 47
10829 Berlin