You can be there ...
… if our goals appeal to you, because we are open to all interested parties. Just sign up for our newsletter and benefit from our group. In this way, you will not only receive the information described at the beginning, but also when, where and for what we meet and you will receive summaries of any organizational meetings. The best thing to do is to come and see for yourself what the community is like and what it has to offer.
If you like what you learn, you are of course welcome to join the community. Being part of our community offers the opportunity to gain experience and holds the potential for lots of recognition, group spirit and synergy.
We do not charge membership fees for any of this! However, to maintain our activities, you will receive an annual appeal for financial support of our community. Your support is not obligatory but voluntary – with us everyone gives what the community and its offers are worth to him.
Falls Du an einer Zusammenarbeit interessiert bist, dann schreibe uns doch einfach eine Email an oder abonnieren unseren Newsletter.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
05. imprint.
Verantwortlich ...
… einer muss die Verantwortung tragen:
Edwin Smida
Leberstraße 47
10829 Berlin