Light Experience
Das „Festival für Urbane Lichtkultur” betrachtet vom 22. bis 30. November 2019 das Thema Licht aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln der Nachtkultur. It takes place as part of the “City After Eight” conference of the Clubcommission Berlin (28. bis 30.11.2019), the largest “nightlife conference” in Europe, will take place. The approximately 600 conference participants include city planners, night mayors and ambassadors from Tokyo to New York; academics and politicians, club operators and festival makers, such as of the “Burning Man,” who exchange ideas about the political as well as artistic design, safety and health of night life and night culture. The “City After Eight” cooperates with other conferences such as the NIGHTS in Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, or tourism conferences in Bilbao or Tbilisi.
The festival pursues a conceptual approach that allows experimental and artistic formats. Different ways of looking at and approaching the material of light in the context of urban space and urban society, as well as pop culture and technology, can be experienced.
Club lighting has received little attention in lighting or event technician training. In the process, the “location” club offers experimental space for lighting designers, lighting artists and architects alike. Due to its diverse and open use, trends are created here – not only for the event sector. The latest lighting technologies or digital control systems are used here and can be tested in a playful way.
The initiative “Gather Around Light” stands for interdisciplinary exchange around light and participates as a partner in the “Festival for Urban Light Culture”. Works by participants of the network, which were created in the workshop “Experience Light”, complement the positions of international light artists. With an exhibition, interactive formats and urban interventions, workshops and performances, a transdisciplinary examination of the material light takes place, including sensor technology, digital control technology, and augmented or mixed reality. In addition, current approaches of audiovisual art and the interaction of light and music in space are renegotiated and implemented.
There will also be an interdisciplinary discussion on how architectural lighting can benefit from event lighting and how high-quality lighting can be implemented in clubs and event spaces.
“Experience Light”: Gather Around Light
Organizer: ZwischenWerk gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Partners: Clubcommission Berlin/Stadt Nach Acht, Robe Deutschland GmbH, iguzzini, Ellux,
Media partners: LICHT,, LiTG
Locations: YAAM, Wood Market, Vault
Curation: Anke von der Heide
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Safe the Date:
“Experience light” and
“Festival for Urban Light Culture”
Im YAAM, An der Schillingbrücke 3,
Berlin 22. – 30.11.2019, 17:00 – 22:00 Uhr
“Stadt Nach Acht”Lichttag
28.11.2019 11:00-19:00
- Carolina Levy
- Sofia Trautmann, Arthur Hüsken
- Patrick Tobias Fischer
- Anke von der Heide, Fanny Perineau
- Martin Gräff
- Matthai Hoffstiepel
- Olivia Micu
- Kontantin Klaas, Juan Mirson
- Phyllis Josefine
- Johanna Kemmerer
- Edwin Smida
05. imprint.
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Edwin Smida
Leberstraße 47
10829 Berlin