WHEN: 08. November 2023
WHERE: Berlin, Archenhold-Sternwarte
Are you lighting designer, light planner, architct, public decision maker, user, procucer, interested citizen??
Get a ticket and join us on the road FROM BUBBLE TO HUB. AS – Environmentally compatible and sustainable lighting needs publicity.
You can expect an exclusive event with exciting roundtable discussions / best practices from renowned experts / gallery presentations with exciting examples on the topic.
A platform for disciplinary exchange in the exraordinary ambience of the Archenhold-Sternwarte.
Exchange information with scientists, colleagues, partners, suppliers, manufacturers & customern bei with regional catering..
A sustainable event for professionals and light lovers with citizen participation..
Let’s explore together different aspects of environmentally compatible lighting and sustainable = recyclable luminaires..
With internationally renowned experts & partners from planning, application, legislation, commissioning and science.
- Trade visitors: approx. 95€ (including certificate of training)
- private visitors: approx. 15€
- additional Meal expenses
- Wiebke Ahues, Henning Larsen Architects,
internationally renowned pioneers of architecture in harmony with the environment
For her, light plays a key role in design – be it in the design for gaps between buildings in highly dense inner cities or in the transformation of existing buildings. - Marita Böttcher – Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. She is not only an expert on cross-natural area connectivity, but also on light and its shadow side for biodiversity.
- Benedict Huggins – University Heidelberg
Legal trainee and co-author of the guide to redesigning and retrofitting outdoor lighting (BfN Skript 543)
and together with Sabine Schlacke from „Protection of species from glass and light“ - Dr. Sibylle Schroer – Leibnitz Institute of Freshwater Ecology – Expert on the effects of light at the wrong time on especially aquatic habitats, fauna, flora & insects.
- Sabine De Schutter, Studio De Schutter,
award-winning lighting designer and pioneer in circular lighting design - Joachim Becker StartUp-Gründer und erfahren in der Leuchtenherstellung nach dem
Shared-Economy with renewable raw and recycled materials - Paula Longato from Buro Happold, a global player in the realization of sustainable buildings. An expert in prudent daylight and artificial lighting design and practical experience with C2C and TM65 / 66 application in lighting.
- Laura Haeder by Signify , which are making 3D printing future-proof with printed short runs and the goal of producing them as sustainably as possible.
- IDA / Dark Sky– Illumination recommendations
- Smart Home under the magnifying glass of sustainability analysis
- An environmentally friendly concept for outdoor lighting in Hildesheim – Rebecca Insam
- The IGB’s AUBE project together with Selux – insect-friendly bike path lighting
- Dialux / Relux: Visualize parasitic lighting with light calculation programs
- Nachtlichter-APP – Final report of a citizen science project – Ch. Kyba, Ruhr University Bochum
- Joachim Becker & VEGA T up close
- Visit Dark Skies – Etta Dannemann makes the starry sky an audible individual experience
- Lichtwart – Introduction of a StartUp with focus on intelligent control of outdoor lighting for the benefit of biodiversity protection
- Examples of circular luminaire manufacturing: Stoane Lighting, Orluna, Lateranix, Georg Bechter.
- Signify – 3D printing for the small series
- and more
Light in sustainable architecture or the art of building sustainably, energetically sensible AND light in highly condensed inner cities with the help of light simulation
The CRLR-HAUS in Berlin – Presentation of a groundbreaking circular lighting design
Die Vega T des StartUp Beolum. Shared economy luminaire manufacturing from flax/ regrowing raw materials. Process report of a luminaire start-up
Questions of sustainability from the point of view of daily development & planning practice for the internationally operating lighting design office LKL
Presentation of the latest research results of the IGB’s AUBE project in cooperation with the company Selux: Insect-friendly cycle path lighting.
Dr. Sibylle Schroer – Leibnitz Institur for Freshwater Ecology
Lighting from today – biodiverse compatible? circular? local / social / fair produced? Valuable throughout the entire product cycle? Aspects of environmental sustainability in the light
Representatives from metropoles to small towns and rural areas
- Politicians and legislators in shaping the basis for planning
- Administration, public authorities. public and private clients in their financing and decision-making sovereignty
- Designers, planners, constructors, manufacturers, operators, installers and private all-rounders in implementation
The symposium is intended as an impulse training in German language, for architects, European Lighting Experts and administrative staff.
COST: probably between 10-20€ (private visitors) and approx. 95€ (advanced training participation via Chamber of Architects, LiTG incl. early bird discount)
@ THE END OF THE DAY – content of education
By the end of the event you may have gained insight into
- what light pollution is and what we can do about it
- what legal options cities and municipalities have to avoid over-lighting
- what effects artificial lighting at the wrong time has on fauna, flora and healthcare and well beeing, as well as on science
- what the consequential costs are
what the legal framework for outdoor lighting is - what recommendations the IDA / DarkSky / ROLAN makes for outdoor lighting
- how to participate in a citizen science project to document light pollution
- what research is needed in this area
- which distinctions the regulations could make more decisively
what C2C / circular economy means in construction and especially in lighting - what the state of the art and the different approaches to this are
- what opportunities the shared economy offers in the lighting industry
- what other models are conceivable here
- how different players deal with the topic
- Which manufacturers already offer certified products
- how certification is achieved and what it means
- what constitutes good lighting at the workplace
- what Human Centric Lighting can mean
- how parasitic light can be represented in lighting calculations
- which options for more sustainability Smart Home systems offer
You will have experienced
- how colleagues with deep roots in the subject of „building in harmony“ deal with the issues involved
- how internationally renowned lighting design companies integrate the issue of sustainability into their work
- how circular building and lighting works
- how to design environmentally friendly and insect-friendly outdoor lighting
- what kind of light luminaires made from sustainable raw materials in circular design are emitting
You will know
- what to do with the topic yourself and
- who to approach to explore the topic in more depth
You will have made many valuable contacts and found partners.
- 09:00: Entry
- 09:30: Intro – Presentation of Experts and Speakers
- 09:45 @ the Table: Diskussion part 1
- 10:45: Coffee Break
- 11:00: Best Practice
- 11:25: Best Practice
- 11:50: Best Pracice
- 12:15: Presentation of Galery Exhibitions and Sweepstake
- 12:20: Lunch, Gallerie-Exhibition & Tours
- 13:45: Best Practice
- 14:10: Best Practice
- 14:35: Best Practice
- 15:00: Coffee break
- 15:15: the Table: Diskussion part 2 with questions from the audience
- 17:15: summary
- 17:45: End
We are committed to making the event
as resource efficient as possible.
Our goal is to
- to offer catering that is as regional as possible,
- to avoid the use of disposable tableware and bottles,
- As much as possible, we are saving on disposable printed materials banners, flyers, etc….
- Instead, we are looking into the possibility of to write on boards with chalk
- To work with the original materials of the cooperation partners.
- We obtain moderation materials, such as question cards, name tags, etc.,
from the remaining stocks of printing companies
- We ask our visitors to bring a badge from their private collection.
- We try to record our digital footprint and include compensation in our cost planning.
We look forward to receiving more suggestions on this topic!
You would like to contribute? WRITE A NOTE @ events (at)
OptecBB e.V. – Competence Network
of opt. Technologies
Rudower Chaussee 25, Haus 1
12489 Berlin-Adlershof
Tel. +49 30 6392 1720
Fax +49 30 6392-1729
info [at]
Cooperation partner
Concept & Content
Gather Around Light –
Lichtbegeisterung im Ehrenamt I Honorary Light Enthusiasts
Lighting Competence I Discourses I Ideas
i. V. Caroline Vilbrandt
Quality Check Contens
Lichttechnische Gesellschaft e.V.
Danneckerstr. 16 I 10245 Berlin
Kotakt: caroline.vilbrandt [at] I
Die Inhalte dieser Präsentation (u.a. Ideen, Bilder, Texte, Grafiken, usw.) und die Präsentation selbst sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. . Die Grafiken für das Symposiumsind Eigentum von Caroline Vilbrandt, i.A. Gather Around Light, Eine Weitergabe, Modifizierung, Veröffentlichung, Übersetzung oder Reproduktion der Präsentation, auch in Ihren Einzelteilen, ist nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung von ANTE+STAEHELY GmbH & von Gather Around Light zulässig.
The content of this presentation (ideas, images, text, graphics, etc.) and the presentation it self are copyrighted and property of Gather Around Light, C. Vilbrandt Disclosure, modification, publication, transmission or reproduction of the presentation, in your items is permitted only with written permission from C. Vilbrandt.
OpTecBB e.V. is the competence network for optical technologies and microsystems engineering in the states of Berlin and Brandenburg.
The partner LiTG – the German Lighting Society – based in Berlin, Germany, is a registered technical-scientific association pursuing non-profit objectives in accordance with its statutes. With its more than 100-year tradition, LiTG sees itself as a dynamic network and knowledge platform for all those interested in lighting. It is divided into 16 district councils with about 2300 members.
Gather Around Light – an informal network of people who are enthusiasts for light and darkness: planners, designers, scientists, artists, thinkers, manufacturers, sales and distribution and so-called amateurs.
We organize the monthly Berlin Light Roundtable and regularly initiate events on the topic with cooperation partners; in doing so, we always think outside the box and connect the most diverse perspectives.
In our civil-professional voluntary engagement we show that with passion you can make a difference.
… let’s take a look at the big picture and shape the future together!
How deep Is the ocean - how high is the moon?
intact surroundings
… the basis of our culture and for some cause for a deep feeling of happiness
Where we start from
According to a recent study, light pollution is currently increasing by 10% per year worldwide. At the same time, cities, oceans , landscapes and sink in waste and valuable resources are wasted. By mining primary raw materials, we destroy ecosystems and the livelihoods of peoples.
How deep Is the ocean - how high is the moon???!
Aspects of our reality today.
Reason enough to rethink, to build differently, to plan differently, to produce differently, to illuminate differently.
We Can Do Different. Let’s get going
In the “Environmentally Lighting Symposium”, we look at the topic from different angles.
Join us in a dynamic discussion to find out, where we stand, whatalternative approaches already exist with regard to the avoidance of light pollution and in favor of recyclable illumination. We will show you in which direction we can go together for a paradigm shift in the interaction of nature and industrial culture.
Let’s share our experience. Let’s take the consequences into account. So that we get even better at what we do.
05. imprint.
Verantwortlich ...
… einer muss die Verantwortung tragen:
Edwin Smida
Leberstraße 47
10829 Berlin